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Oil on canvas, 1813, based on a work of 1786. This is a copy of portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, made in 1786. Hunter is shown seated at his writing table absorbed in thought, surrounded by medical specimens and books.

LR.L1.1880a.Selim ignores his harem.Tenniel.jpg
This image depicts an episode from 'The Light of the Harem' in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. The emperor Selim is unable to enjoy the presence of his harem.
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Image of title page for Edward Jones' Musical Curiosities a selection of National Airs, published 1811

Image of page 5 music for 'A Spanish Bolero' from Edward Jones' Musical Curiosities a selection of National Airs, published 1811

Image of page 11 music for 'Russian National Melodies' from Edward Jones' Musical Curiosities a selection of National Airs, published 1811

Image of page 15 music for 'A Song of the Natives of New South Wales' from Edward Jones' Musical Curiosities a selection of National Airs, published 1811

Image of page 18 music for 'A Swiss National Song' from Edward Jones' Musical Curiosities a selection of National Airs, published 1811

LR.L1.1860a.Peri and denying Angel.Jones.jpg
This depicts the opening episode of Thomas Moore's "Paradise and the Peri", from his Lalla Rookh: the Peri, a Persian Angel fallen from grace, is denied entry into Paradise. Found in: "Paradise and the Peri" (London: Day & Son, 1860),

Peri with fallen Hero.Jones & Warren.jpg
This lithograph depicts an episode from the 'Paradise and the Peri', in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. The Peri, on his first mission to find the 'perfect gift' for heaven, sees a hero fall in battle with a tyrant; she descends to capture a drop of his…

LR.L1.1860a.Tyrant of Gazna.Jones.jpg
This depicts a character within the 'Paradise and the Peri', one of the tales in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh.
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