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'Tis believed that this harp.Longmans, 1848, p. 67.jpg
Lyrics to "'Tis believed that this harp", from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies third number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ... with an appendix. New edition (London: Longmans, 1848).
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Title-page.Jersey Collins & Payn, 1828.illustrated edn.jpg
Illustration to '"Tis believed that this harp", from Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies third number, as reproduced in Irish melodies, National airs, Sacred songs, ballads, songs (Jersey: Collins & Payn, 1828).
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Lyrics to '"Tis believed that this harp", from Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies third number, as reproduced in The Works of Thomas Moore volume 4 , 2nd edition (Paris: Galignani, 1820)
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IM.3i.'Tis believed that this harp.Poem.jpg
Lyrics to "'Tis believed that this harp," from Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies with symphonies and accompaniment by Sir John Stevenson, third number (London: J. Power; Dublin: W. Power, [1810]).
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Down in the valley, illus Maclise.Longmans 1875.jpg
Lyrics to "Down in the Valley", from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies eighth number, as reproduced in Moore's Irish Melodies illustrated by Daniel Maclise (London: Longmans, 1875)

Down in the Valley.Longmans, 1879.jpg
The lyrics to "Down in the Valley", from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies eighth number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies (London: Longmans, 1879).
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After Ross’s early death in 1915, Somerville began a spiritual correspondence with her deceased cousin and literary collaborator and published a further 14 books under the dual signature of ‘E. OE. Somerville and Martin Ross’

Love's young dream.PW.Longmans, 1866.jpg
Lyrics to 'Love's young dream' from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies fourth number, as reproduced in The poetical works of Thomas Moore complete (London: Longmans, 1866). Also included are the title page and a portrait of Moore as a…

Love's young dream.IM. illus Maclise.Longmans, 1846.jpg
Lyrics and illustration for 'Love's young dream' from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies fourth number, as reproduced in Moore's Irish Melodies illustrated by D. Maclise (London: Longmans, 1846).
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Title-page.IM.Cantus Hibernici.1859.jpg
Lyrics to 'Love's young dream' from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies fourth number, as translated into Latin and reproduced in Cantus Hibernici ... series tetra et ultima (Leamington: Knibb, 1859).
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