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Image of music for Beethoven's National Airs, page 26, Welsh Theme, published by T. Preston and G. Thomson 1819

Image of music for Beethoven's National Airs, page 38, Russian Theme, published by T. Preston and G. Thomson 1819

Image of music for Beethoven's National Airs, page 54, Scottish Theme, published by T. Preston and G. Thomson 1819

Lesbia hath a beaming eye.Power & Longman, p.77.jpg
Lyrics to "Lesbia hath a beaming eye," from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies fourth number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ... with an appendix .... 10th edition (London: J. Power and Longman, 1832). Also included are the title pages and…

Stothard and Heath, Lesbia hath a beaming eye.Power & Longman, p.77 copy.jpg
Illustration for "Lesbia hath a beaming eye," originally published by Robert Jennings in 1824, and reissued in Irish Melodies ... with an appendix ... 10th edition (London: James Power and Longman, 1832).

Lesbia hath a beaming eye. Baudry's 1844.jpg
Lyrics to "Lesbia hath a beaming eye," from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies number four, as reproduced in Selected poetical works of Thomas Moore (Paris: Baudry's, [1844]). Also included are the title page and series title page.

Love's young dream.W.Power.1821b.p.83.jpg
Lyrics to 'Love's young dream', from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies fourth number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies: and a melologue upon national music (Dublin: William Power, 1821).
Persistent catalogue link:…

IM.5a.Minstrel Boy.jpg
Lyrics to 'THe Minstrel Boy', from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies ... with symphonies and accompaniments by Sir John Stevenson ... fifth number (London: J. Power; Dublin: W. Power, [1815]).
Persistent catalogue record:…

Title-page.Power & Longman, 1829.jpg
Lyrics to 'The Minstrel Boy', from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies fifth number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ,,, with an appendix ... 9th edition (London: J. Power and Longman, 1829).
Persistent catalogue link:…

Title-page.Paris Chasseriau, 1823.jpg
Lyrics to 'The Minstrel Boy' from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies fifth number, as translated into French in Les amours des anges, et les Mélodies Irlandaises, de Thomas Moore (Paris: Chasseriau, 1823). Also included are the title page and a portrait…
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