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LR.L1.1880a.Selim and Nourmahal reconciled.Tenniel.jpg
This image depicts the Mughal prince Selim embracing his beloved Nourmahal at the end of 'The Light of the Harem', the final poetic tale in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. Found in in Lalla Rookh (London: Longmans, 1863), p. 320,

Lalla Rookh ballet.Victoria and Albert Museum, London.jpg
Image of a scene from the ballet Lalla Rookh (London Her Majesty's, 1846) , music by Cesare Pugni, choreography by Jules Perrot.
Catalogue record:

NA 3 music Row Gently Here.jpg
Image of the first page of music for Row Gently Here, a song from Thomas Moore's National Airs Third Number, published by James Power, London 1822-c1838

MS 15.6.1.B37.jpg
1912 Photograph of a rough model of proposed statue of Sir Robert Hart. Sent with covering letter to Sir Edgar Bruce by R. Ch. Guernier of Paris (MS 15/6/1/B35)

Schumann.Das Paradies und die Peri, Leipzig, [1890], title-page.jpg
Title-page and selected pages of music from a piano score of Robert Schumann's Das Paradies und die Peri, which premiered in Leipzig on 4 December, 1843.
Persistent catalogue record:

MacD 872 Spine.jpg
Rig-veda : oder Die heiligen Lieder der Brahmanen / Herausgegeben von Max Müller. Mit einer Einleitung, Text und Übersetzung des Pratisakhya oder der ältesten Phonetik und Grammatik enthaltend. Includes: Die Hymnen des Rig-veda im Samhita- und…
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