Browse Items (501 total)

Lalla Rookh ballet.Victoria and Albert Museum, London.jpg
Image of a scene from the ballet Lalla Rookh (London Her Majesty's, 1846) , music by Cesare Pugni, choreography by Jules Perrot.
Catalogue record:

History of the contagious cholera map without text.jpg
Map of some of the principal places in Asia & Europe visited by the contagious Cholera from August 1817 to September 1834 (p. 198)

Clinica del Parigino Spedale ... plate 4 (risipola semplice).jpg
Plate 4 (Risipola semplice)
Plates 14 (Porrigine forforacea)
Plate 27 (Erpete squamoso centrifugo & erpete squamoso lichenoide)
Plate 35 (Carcino)
Plate 46 (Sifilide pustolosa visciolata)
Plate 51 (Panno melanato)
Plate 59 (Panno lenticolare)

Deaver, John. Surgical anatomy  a treatise on human anatomy (1899). Vol. 1 Book stamp of library of Ulster Medical Society.jpg
Vol. 1. Book stamp of Library of Ulster Medical Society
Vol. 1. Plate CII. Muscles of back. p. 373
Vol. 1. Plate CXLI. Temporal fascia and nerves of face. p. 537
Vol. 3. plate CCCCXXVII. Anterior view of the heart and its vessels. p. 477
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