Browse Items (501 total)

MS 15.6.1.A1.jpg
Hart Family, Ireland ca. 1866. Hart returned to Ireland in 1866, he met and married Hester (Hessie) Jane Bredon (MS15/6/1/A1)

MS 15.6.1.C1a.jpg
Hart Family, ca. 1878 (MS 15/6/1/C1)

MS 15.6.1.D2a.jpg
Lady Hart-photgraphed with her three children in London, from…

Hankow, 5 November 1901 (MS 15/6/10/3)

Hafed with Hinda in battle, by E.H. Corbould.1860a, p. 186.jpg
This engraved image depicts the Gheber warrior Hafed leading his troops into battle against the Muslims, whilst carrying the Arab princess Hinda. This episode is from the Fire Worshippers in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. Found in Lalla Rookh (London:…

Hafed with Hinda, by E.H. Corbould.1860a, p.202.jpg
This image depicts a tender moment between the star-crossed lovers (Gheber warrior Hafed and Arabian princess Hinda) of 'The Fire Worshippers', one of the poetic tales contained within Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. Found in Thomas Moore, Lalla Rookh…

LR.L3.1857.Gheber shows Hinda his belt.Anon.jpg
This image depicts an episode from 'The Fire Worshippers' in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh: Hafed's revelation that he wears the belt of a Gheber warrior inspires a startled response from the Arab princess Hinda. Found in: Scenes from the…

Hafed shows his belt to Hinda, by Tenniel.1863a, p.185.jpg
This image depicts an episode from 'The Fire Worshippers' in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh: Hafed's revelation that he wears the belt of a Gheber warrior inspires a startled response from the Arab princess Hinda. Found in Thomas Moore, Lalla Rookh…
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