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Image of music for Beethoven's National Airs, page 26, Welsh Theme, published by T. Preston and G. Thomson 1819

Image of music for Beethoven's National Airs, page 9, Irish Theme, published by T. Preston and G. Thomson 1819

Image of music for Beethoven's National Airs, page 1, Austrian Theme, published by T. Preston and G. Thomson 1819

Title-page.Jersey Collins & Payn, 1828.illustrated edn.jpg
Illustration to '"Tis believed that this harp", from Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies third number, as reproduced in Irish melodies, National airs, Sacred songs, ballads, songs (Jersey: Collins & Payn, 1828).
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Lyrics to '"Tis believed that this harp", from Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies third number, as reproduced in The Works of Thomas Moore volume 4 , 2nd edition (Paris: Galignani, 1820)
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Illustration for 'After the Battle', from Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies with symphonies and accompaniments by Sir John Stevenson, third number (London: J. Power, [1810])
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IM.3i.'Tis believed that this harp.Poem.jpg
Lyrics to "'Tis believed that this harp," from Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies with symphonies and accompaniment by Sir John Stevenson, third number (London: J. Power; Dublin: W. Power, [1810]).
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After the battle.Paris Chasseriau, 1823.jpg
French translation of the lyrics to 'After the Battle' from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies third number, as reproduced in Les amours des anges, et les Melodies Irlandaises (Paris: Chasseriau, 1823)
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After the battle.Power & Longman, 1823a.jpg
Lyrics to 'After the Battle', from Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies third number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ,,, with an appendix ... 4th edition (London: J. Power and Longman, 1823).
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