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  • Collection: Moore's Irish Melodies: Texts and Illustrations

Lyrics to "Oh ye dead!" from Thomas Moore's A selection of Irish Melodies with symphonies and accompaniments by Henry R. Bishop, eighth number (London: J. Power. [1825].
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Lyrics to "Oh, ye dead!" from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies eighth number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ... with an appendix, 6th edition (London: J. Power and Longman, 1825)
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Lyrics to "Oh, ye dead!" from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies eighth number, as reproduced in The Poetical works of Thomas Moore, complete in one volume (London: Longmans, 1853).
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Lyrics to "Oh, ye dead!" from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies eighth number, as reproduced in The Poetical works of Thomas Moore, collected by himself (Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1842).

Lyrics for "Oh! breathe not his name", from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies first number, as reproduced in The Works of Thomas Moore, vol. 4 (Paris: Galignani, 1819).
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Lyrics to "Oh! breathe not his name" from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies first number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ... with an appendix, 8th edition (London: J. Power and Longman, 1827).
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Cover, title page and frontispiece to Poetical Works of Thomas Moore complete (London: Longmans, 1852).
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Lyrics to "Silence is in our festal halls", from Irish Melodies supplement, as translated into Latin by Nicholas Torré and reproduced in Cantus Hibernici series second (Leamington: Thomas Knibb, 1858).
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Lyrics to "Silence is in our festal halls", from Irish Melodies supplement, as reproduced in Moore's Irish Melodies illustrated by D. Maclise (London: Longmans, 1873).
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Lyrics to "Silence is in our festal halls", from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies supplement, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ... with an appendix, 13th edition (London: Longmans, 1838).
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