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  • Collection: Moore's Irish Melodies: Texts and Illustrations

A 'portrait' of Eveleen, the title character of Thomas Moore's 'Eveleen's Bower', from Irish Melodies second number, as found in Irish Melodies ... illustrated with numerous original steel engravings, after W.P. Frith, R.A., A. Elmore, R.A. ...…

Lyrics to "Come o'er the sea", from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies sixth number, as reproduced in The Poetical works of Thomas Moore ... collected and arranged by himself. Complete in one volume. (Paris: Galignani, 1842). Also, the title-page,…

Illustration for "While History's muse", from A Selection of Irish Melodies with symphonies and accompaniments by Sir John Stevenson, seventh number (London: J. Power; Dublin: W. Power, [1811]).
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Lyrics to "The Meeting of the Waters", from Thomas Moore's A Selection of Irish Melodies with symphonies and accompaniments by Sir John Stevenson ... first number (London: J. Power; Dublin: W. Power, [1808]).
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Lyrics to "Silence is in our festal halls", from Irish Melodies supplement, as translated into Latin by Nicholas Torré and reproduced in Cantus Hibernici series second (Leamington: Thomas Knibb, 1858).
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Lyrics for "As Vanquished Erin" from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies ninth number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies, 15th edition (London: Longmans, 1843).

Lyrics to "Believe me if all those endearing young charms," from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies second number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ... illustrated with engravings from drawings by eminent artists (London: Longmans, 1856). Persistent…

Lyrics to 'Eveleen's Bower,' from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies second number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ... with an appendix, 2nd edition (London: J. Power and Longman, 1822)
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Lyrics to St. Senanus and the Lady, from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies second number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ... with an appendix. New edition (London:: Longmans, 1846)
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Lyrics to 'St Senanus and the Lady', from Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies with Symphonies and Accompaniments, second number (London: J. Power; Dublin: W. Power, [1808])
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