Lalla Rookh in 19th-century Europe

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Lalla Rookh in 19th-century Europe


Musical works inspired by Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh


This collection tracks musical and illustrated works inspired by Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh, with a particular emphasis on European material before 1881. s.




Moore Collection


Special Collections, McClay Library, Queen's University Belfast






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ERIN, "Lalla Rookh in 19th-century Europe," Special Collections & Archives, Queen's University Belfast, Collection 15, accessed June 23, 2017,


Europe, 1817-1880

Collection Items

The Peri denied
This depicts the opening episode of Thomas Moore's "Paradise and the Peri", from his Lalla Rookh: the Peri, a Persian Angel fallen from grace, is denied entry into Paradise. Found in: "Paradise and the Peri" (London: Day & Son, 1860),

The Tyrant of Gazna
This depicts a character within the 'Paradise and the Peri', one of the tales in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh.
Persistent catalogue link:

Peri with the fallen hero
This lithograph depicts an episode from the 'Paradise and the Peri', in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. The Peri, on his first mission to find the 'perfect gift' for heaven, sees a hero fall in battle with a tyrant; she descends to capture a drop of his…

Hafed with Hinda, battle scene
This engraved image depicts the Gheber warrior Hafed leading his troops into battle against the Muslims, whilst carrying the Arab princess Hinda. This episode is from the Fire Worshippers in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. Found in Lalla Rookh (London:…

Feramorz revealed as Aliris to Lalla Rookh
This engraved print, from the final episode of Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh, shows Feramorz with Lalla Rookh after he is revealed as her bridegroom Alibis. Found in: Lalla Rookh (London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, 1860), p. 274. Persistent…

Bendemeer's Stream
This engraved image, by John Tenniel, shows Zelica singing Bendemeer's Stream to Azim in an episode from the Veiled Prophet in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. Found in Thomas Moore, Lalla Rookh (London: Longmans, 1863).
Persistent catalogue link:…

Bendemeer's Stream
This engraved image, designed by G.H. Thomas and engraved by Edmund Evans, shows Zelica singing Bendemeer's Stream to Azim, in an episode from the Veiled Prophet in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. Found in Thomas Moore, Lalla Rookh (London: Routledge,…

John Francis Barnett, Paradise and the Peri
Excerpts from the beginning and end of a cantata by John Francis Barnett (premiere Birmingham, 1870) derived from Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. Persistent catalogue link:

Azim, a character from the Veiled Prophet, one of the tales in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. Found in: Lalla Rookh (London: Longmans, 1863), p. 53, Persistent catalogue record:

Selim embraces Nourmahal
This image depicts the Mughal prince Selim embracing his beloved Nourmahal at the end of 'The Light of the Harem', the final poetic tale in Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. Found in in Lalla Rookh (London: Longmans, 1863), p. 320,
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