This exhibit, drawn from the collection 'Moore's Irish Melodies: Texts and Illustrations', traces the publication of collected editions of the lyrics across space (Europe) and time (between 1808-1880) by presenting their title page and a selected lyric. Prefatory material or a sample of the binding (through display of the cover) will sometimes feature as well.
'Moore's Irish Melodies in Europe' and its associated collection concentrate on editions dedicated to Moore's Irish Melodies, or sigificant collections of Moore's poetical works.
This exhibit is part of 'Europe's Reception of the Irish Melodies and National Airs: Thomas Moore in Europe' (ERIN). ERIN is co-funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union. All images in this exhibit are courtesy of Special Collections & Archives, Queen's University of Belfast, which is also the host for this OMEKA exhibition. The text for the exhibition was written by Sarah McCleave.