The handy book of anatomical plates / designed, under the direction of Professor Masse, by Corbié and Leviellé, with a descriptive text by E. Bellamy
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The handy book of anatomical plates / designed, under the direction of Professor Masse, by Corbié and Leviellé, with a descriptive text by E. Bellamy
Plate LXXI. Vascular System, Plate XIV (veins)
Plate LXXIV. Vascular System, Plate VIII (veins)
Plate LIX. Vascular System, Plate II (lingual artery)
Plate XLVI. Splanchology, Plate IV (ear)
Plate XLIV. Splanchology, Plate II (eye)
Plate V. Osteology, Plate V (skull)
Plate XCII. Nervous System, Plate VII (brain)
Plate LXXIV. Vascular System, Plate VIII (veins)
Plate LIX. Vascular System, Plate II (lingual artery)
Plate XLVI. Splanchology, Plate IV (ear)
Plate XLIV. Splanchology, Plate II (eye)
Plate V. Osteology, Plate V (skull)
Plate XCII. Nervous System, Plate VII (brain)
Joseph Nicolas Masse,
Edward Bellamy (1842-1891)
Edward Bellamy (1842-1891)
London : Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1873.
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Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Plate LXIII. Vascular System, Plate XVI
Plate LXXIV. Vascular System, Plate VIII (veins)
Plate LIX. Vascular System, Plate I
Plate XLVI. Splanchology, Plate IV
Plate XLIV. Splanchology, Plate II
Plate V. Osteology, Plate V
Plate XCII. Nervous System, Plate VII
Plate LXIII. Vascular System, Plate XVI
Plate LXXIV. Vascular System, Plate VIII (veins)
Plate LIX. Vascular System, Plate I
Plate XLVI. Splanchology, Plate IV
Plate XLIV. Splanchology, Plate II
Plate V. Osteology, Plate V
Plate XCII. Nervous System, Plate VII
Joseph Nicolas Masse,
Edward Bellamy (1842-1891), “The handy book of anatomical plates / designed, under the direction of Professor Masse, by Corbié and Leviellé, with a descriptive text by E. Bellamy,” Digital Exhibitions at Special Collections & Archives, Queen's University Belfast, accessed March 13, 2025,
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