Moore's Irish Melodies: Texts and Illustrations

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Moore's Irish Melodies: Texts and Illustrations


Poetry and pictorial works


This collection documents European editions of the texts for Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies, 1808-1880.


Moore, Thomas (1779-1852)


Moore collection


Special Collections & Archives, McClay Library, Queen's University Belfast






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Still images/JPEG




Poetry -- song lyrics
Illustrations -- engraved prints
Illustrations -- lithographic prints


ERIN, "Moore's Irish Melodies: Texts and Illustrations," Special Collections & Archives, Queen's University Belfast, Collection 17, Accessed July 30, 2017


Europe, 1808-1880

Collection Items

As Vanquish'd Erin
Lyrics for "As Vanquished Erin" from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies ninth number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies, 15th edition (London: Longmans, 1843).

Oh! breathe not his name
Lyrics for "Oh! breathe not his name", from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies first number, as reproduced in The Works of Thomas Moore, vol. 4 (Paris: Galignani, 1819).
Persistent catalogue record:…

The Meeting of the Waters
Lyrics to 'The Meeting of the Waters', from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies, number one, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ... with an appendix (London: J. Power and Longman, 1821).
Persistent catalogue record: …

The Meeting of the Waters
Lyrics to 'The Meeting of the Waters' from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies first number, as reproduced in Irish melodies, and other poems: With a melologue upon national music (Dublin: William Power, and W. Curry, Jun., 1825).
Persistent catalogue…

The Meeting of the Waters
Lyrics to "The Meeting of the Waters," from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies number one, as reproduced in Cantus Hibernici (London: Glynn, 1835)
Persistent catalogue record:

The Meeting of the Waters
Lyrics to, and illustration of, 'The Meeting of the Waters', from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies number one, as reproduced in Moore's Irish Melodies ... With a memoir by J.F. Waller (London: William Mackenzie, 1867). Also included are the title page…

Oh! breathe not his name
Lyrics to "Oh! breathe not his name" from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies first number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ... with an appendix, 8th edition (London: J. Power and Longman, 1827).
Persistent catalogue record:…

Believe me if all those endearing young charms
Lyrics to "Believe me if all those endearing young charms," from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies, second number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies complete: to which are added National Melodies (Brussels: E. Paul, 1822)
Persistent catalogue record:…

Believe me if all those endearing young charms
Lyrics to "Believe me if all those endearing young charms," from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies second number, as reproduced in Irish Melodies ... illustrated with engravings from drawings by eminent artists (London: Longmans, 1856). Persistent…

Believe me if all those endearing young charms
An image to illustrate "Believe me if all those endearing young charms," from Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies number two, as found in Irish Melodies ... illustrated with engravings from drawings by eminent artists (London: Longmans, 1856)
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